How To Crush Your Goals In The Last Few Weeks of the year!

May the last few weeks of 2018 be the biggest plot twist ever for anyone reading this.

On a personal note: I received amazing news regarding my blog and a new collaboration! I can’t wait to share more with you guys in the coming weeks.

Having a dream and going after it isn’t always as easy or glamorous as it may seem on the ‘gram. And a lot of work goes on behind the scenes that you don’t always get to see online. But I’m here to tell you that anything is possible, even in these last few weeks of the year.

So many lessons were learned this year alone that have shaped me into the person I am now and I am #thankful for every last one, even the tough ones.

On this #ThankfulThursday I want to share 5 ways to crush your goals and end the year strong:

1. Get clear on what it is you want

Getting clear on what you actually want is HUGE and it has been the reason for many of my successes throughout my life. The best way to do this is to grab a notebook and a pen, I usually go for a cute notebook and a nice pen, and write down what it is you actually want in life. It can be as small as something like I want to be able to run a mile. Whatever it is you’re trying to achieve, make sure you are clear about it.

2. Have a game plan

Having clarity alone won’t help you reach your goals, but creating a plan of action will. I always recommend working backward. Working backward helps you break down your big goal into small chunks to help you figure out what small steps you can take now to help you reach your main goal. So if we’re sticking with the running a mile example, in order to reach your goal you may have to start off running .3 miles or .5 miles and build up to your goal of the running of a mile. While the game plan will take you out of your comfort zone, it’s also good to be realistic and make sure you’re creating a game plan you’ll actually follow.

Pro tip: If you really want to get serious about reaching a particular goal, add a date at the end of that goal.

3. Be consistent

This is another huge component of crushing your goals. Consistently going after something you believe in every day is what is going to you closer to achieving your goals. This can be tough, no doubt. We all have days when we just don’t feel like it. I have those days too. But I push through because I enjoy doing what I do and I can usually chalk up me feeling like I “don’t want to do something” to some kind of fear I have that is holding me back from being my best self. If this sounds like you, push through it, my friend. There’s a whole new world waiting for you on the other side of that fear.

4.Track your progress

You’ll want to track how you’re doing. Tracking your progress will also make sure you’re being consistent. 🙂  One of the best things about tracking your progress is you’ll quickly see if you need to switch up anything that you could help you further along in your process.

5.Reward yourself for the little wins

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Make sure you’re taking time to enjoy the journey and reward yourself along the way. Everyone deserves a reward!

And remember you can do this!! What goals are you going after in these last few weeks of the year?




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